Woodside Elementary School District, San Mateo County
2014 - Current
Capital Program Management (CPM) was selected by the Woodside Elementary School District to be their owner’s representative to plan, manage, and oversee the implementation of their $16.7 million Measure D Bond Program and $5 million Capital Campaign projects. CPM was engaged after the District had projects on-going. CPM’s initial role was to assess the status of the various projects. This included the review of prior planning documents, validation of current projects’ scopes, schedules, and budgets; plan reviews, review and re-negotiations of the Architect’s and Lease Lease-back entities’ agreements. CPM then developed a program implementation plan through a series of committee meetings, community meetings, and Board workshops. This work included integration of their Proposition 39 Energy projects, condition assessments, project delivery strategies, project prioritization, master planning, logistical planning, and the development of program budgets, and master schedule. We also obtained DSA certification on all prior projects that were closed without certification. CPM is currently overseeing the execution of the implementation plan and developing a deferred maintenance plan. Our program activities include such items as Board reports, Citizens’ Oversight Committee reporting, professional services selection, legal counsel coordination, and contract negotiations. In addition, CPM is involved with managing project activities such as design phase management, construction management, oversight and coordination of design professionals, oversight of the construction team, oversight of the inspection team, tracking all program expenditures, review and approval of all expenditures, furniture and equipment procurement, coordinating owner moving logistics, and project closeouts.
Specific projects include a new Design Lab, new Multipurpose Room, a new Preschool, field replacement projects, and several renovation projects. Recently, the Sellman Pavilion had its successful grand opening on April 20, 2016, and the Renovation, Design Lab, and Preschool were completed in 2015.
Size of District/ADA: 409
Contact: Dr. Beth Polito, Superintendent
Email: bpolito@woodsideschool.us
Contact Phone Number: (650) 851-1571 Ext. 286

Sellman Pavilion

Rear View of Pavillion

Sellman Pavilion