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Interim Station 7
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Fire Station No. 7
Additional Information

Project Renderings
Fire Station 7 will be a completely re-built fire station. The design of the new Station #7 in Woodside will enable the Fire District to house the necessary number of vehicles, equipment, and staff to meet current and future service needs. Key elements to upgrading the stations’ emergency response capabilities include:
An expanded Apparatus Bay
Community Training Room
Increase kitchen, restroom and sleeping quarter capacity for additional fire fighters
Infrastructure for modernizing emergency response systems
Allow for large equipment to not stop traffic on Woodside Road to access the Fire Station
Bring the station to current code compliance and ADA access requirements
When is the project scheduled to complete?
Completion is currently scheduled for August of 2023.
Will this impact Fire Protection and EMS Services?
No. Prior to the start of construction on the new Station 7, a temporary housing site was built to house the entire firefighting staff and all of their equipment. This location is called Interim Station 7 and is located at the SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory site and is fully operational.
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Progress Photos
Permit Set
Project Schedule

808 Portola Rd #C, Portola Valley, CA USA